Her blog is Yarn-A-Go-Go and you'll love it! She is funny, picks out the best projects, knows what it means to work hard and after reading nearly all of her blog I have to say she's awesome. While reading I almost always add her projects my my favorites because we not only have similar tastes in clothing, but similar body shape as well (she might have about 5 inches on me though).
I first can in contact with her work when Barnes and Noble had a special on her book A Life in Stitches. Stina had seen that A Life in Stitches was the daily special and recommended it to me (this happens a lot). I was in the market for a new books to read as I knit and I was surprised by how I ripped through it in a few days. Then I started in on her blog like its a book.
I do this with nearly every blog I like. I'll go to the very first blog and start reading it post by post. Rachael's starts in 2003 and I have to say that its like taking a trip down memory lane. Impeachment of Grey Davis (I was so angry I was too young to vote), earthquakes, 9/11, and fashion styles. There are a lot of posts and this makes me really happy.
She also just had a new book come out recently, The Little Book of Knitting Wisdoms. After she posted about the book coming out in only New Zealand and Australia I laughed and told myself I could get a copy. I did, and I might be one of the only Americans to do so. The internet is a wonderful thing and after applying my Google-Fu I found a website based in Australia that had digital copies of it. I bought it, downloaded it on my computer and read it. Around 11pm I finished it, emailed Rachael about how much I loved it, and about how the online store now has now restricted the people that can buy it to a handful of countries.
This is what I wrote to her regarding my favorite parts of her book:
"Some of my favorites are:
"If a man complains about your stash ask about how many guitars he has." I can fully relate to this as my bf has never complained about my stash because his hobby is tinkering with motorcycles and cars. As of right now he owns 11 vehicles between cars and motorcycles and yet we are almost always driving my Honda.
"When a sleeve measures the right length cast on immediately for the second." Same goes for socks.
"Don't argue with a friend over which stitch is better." Seeing as I'm the only continental knitter in my friends I must warn others that teaching new stitches is best avoided as well. "
She is so cool she even emailed me back!
Today's Question:
Who is your fiber hero and why?
Winner's from yesterday:
1. Danielle
2. Mary/May
3. Kenyetta
All winners please contact me to receive instructions on how to claim your prize! radbitdyer at gmail .com
I love Rachael too - it's nice to see her face up in the mix finally. A very talented girl, from writing to crafting to accordion playing... she does it all!
DeleteI like reading Kathy's blog Knitting off the Grid. She doesn't blog every day, but her blogs are interesting and I love the pictures of the mountains and things around her town.
DeleteWhat a tough question to answer...I think my fiber hero is Meghan from the former StitchIt Podcast (www.itsjustmeghan.blogspot.com/). She's fearless and always willing to jump in and try something new. Thanks for the contest opportunity! Kristy
DeleteMine is Gail from ADHDknitting, a link to her blog is on my blog. She is so crafty and creative, keeps my mojo going!