Friday, November 4, 2011

Warping the Time and Space Continuum

Its currently 1:30 in the morning and I'm currently taking a break from knitting while listening to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Why might you ask.

Well it all started out with Ben getting off work early and us heading off for a nice lunch of nachos (which turns out was about 12 hours ago now). After nachos we decided to give into the food coma and take a nap. Since Ben's ankle has been bothering him nether one of us has slept through the night. He will often get uncomfortable after a short time and when he moves it wakes me up (we have a waterbed).

3 hours into this nap I got up because I had realized it was raining and I wanted to enjoy the sounds and smells of it. Ben kept sleeping even after I told him it was raining. I also decided that this cold wet winter weather was the perfect time to look at the Christmas knit list and felt rather proud of myself for already starting one of the projects I was dreading.

That feeling did not last very long.

How I put together my knitting schedule is first I make a list of everything in priority. I then begin to look at my patterns and if I have already started the project then start assigning days to things. My first few projects look like this:

Mom's gloves (the dreaded second glove, she knows about it)
11/3 - Finish Chart D - Done
11/4 - Finish Chart E
11/5 - Finish Chart F
11/6 - Do 3 fingers
11/7 - Do Thumb and last finger

Reunion Cowl (me, gotta add something in for yourself)
11/4 - Do 2 rows
11/5 - Do 2 Rows and Cast off

Mittens for "Someone"
11/6 - Cast on and do Cuff
11/7 - Work to Thumb
11/8-9 - Complete mitten
11/9 - Cast on and do Cuff
11/10 - Work to Thumb
11/11-12 - Complete mitten

I take into careful consideration of what parts of what I'll be knitting and what I can do while knitting them. Such as I can ride my recumbent bike while I watch TV and do simple knitting like cuffs and garter stitch. I also know how quickly I knit so I know a pair of mittens in a week is doable. However, what I did not plan for was a couple additions to my holiday knitting list, like all the spinning.

As of my current schedule I will be finished on the 27th of December and that is if I can do crazy things like knit a sweater vest for someone with a 50" chest in 2 days. I'm also going to be in Colorado for 5 whole days  and have set those aside for doing some simple weaving with my friend's awesome loom, visiting my old friends, eating at my favorite restaurants and going shopping at this lovely yarn store that gives you discounts if you spend over $250 (which when I got my loom I did).

So tonight I don't plan on sleeping. I have some silk hankies dyeing for the mittens, I'm almost done with chart E of the glove and if I get chart F done tonight I plan on spinning while the hankies dry.

Who wants to bet I'll have listened to all the Harry Potter books on tape before Christmas? Put your best guess as to the date I'll finish listening to the series in the comments and whomever is closest will get a free skein of any sock yarn in my shop!


  1. My guess is that you will finish on December 8th. I have 2 Harry Potter books left to read--Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows.
    I'm Suzieknittingmama on Ravelry.

  2. Ooh trick. I listened to them all in about a month and a half but I had a loooot of time for listening while knitting. I'm gonna say December 16th.

  3. I'll go with Dec. 1.

    Rav: GingerLee25

  4. December 15th -- not for any particular reason though!

  5. Personally, I think you may very well be able to listen to them all by around Thanksgiving. At least that's when I would get done, if I had that much knitting planned, because I would be knitting ALL the time!

    HermioneWeasley on Ravelry

  6. I was just thinking about checking HP cds out of the library again, because I'm in the same boat of lots of knitting to get done before Christmas! I'm going to guess December 9.

    MrsCollinHobbs on Ravelry

  7. Dec 23rd so you'll have Christmas Eve free.

  8. My guess is December 10. Thanks!
    debbie H
    gussek at hotmail dot com

  9. December 17th.

    (InJuneau on Rav)

  10. December 12

    bookwormdjibouti on Rav

  11. I'll say Dec 10th since that's my daughter's birthday. And I do expect you'll sleep *sometime* :).

  12. Ack! I didn't see that someone else picked that date. If you need our answers unique, I'll pick Dec 2nd.

  13. Dec 15 (dobbylvr on rav)

  14. I am going to go with Dec 12, that's the day I will finish my exams :)

  15. December 28th

    Knittinggirl13 on ravelry

  16. Hmmmm... my guess is... November 27th! Your dying is lovely btw

  17. I'm guessing that you will finish on December 22nd because all great Christmas knitting adventures usually end with one day to bask in the glory of all your finished work, one day to wrap like a mad woman and one day to wait (worrying if you remembered to do something to one of the projects).

    Good luck with all your knitting - I know you can do it!

  18. I'll guess December 21st.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  19. Nov 18th...good luck with your list :)

    quinn on rav

  20. I'll go with Nov 26. Good luck with the knitting!

  21. My 2nd guess will be Jan 20th my dad's birthday.
