First my best friend Anna and I went to Cache Creek and discussed the upcoming business plan I have, got lost and ended up in West Sacramento. Eventually we made it there, lost the money we brought (we only bring cash and there is a rule between us that we're not allowed to hit the ATM at the casino), but we had a great time just hanging out.
For those that do not know, Anna is my best friend. She is this crazy brilliant artist that has been my roommate off and on for years. She is learning to knit, knows how to crochet and weave, can paint, make paper, does jewelry and metal work, sculpts, loves food and cheap wine, and at times we've been able to spend half our paychecks together over cheese, wine, bread and desserts.
She also loves to cook and just spent 3 weeks in China last month visiting family, which is how this came about:
We had a memorial day barbecue with friends and one of the guy's took over the grill and decided that he wanted to start with new fresh coals so he dumped the old ones in the garden in the backyard. Anna's mother (who is also her landlord) sees these coals thirty mins later and since we're all in the front yarn and not the back we did not see her shovel the coals into the old compost bin. An hour later Anna goes out to take out the trash and found the bin on fire. Lots of water later the picture above is what we have and Anna and I are trying to figure what happened.
She also got me this awesome bunny apron in China:
Second eventful thing was father's day.
My dad and I are very similar. We both love comics, good food, photography, animals, geeky jokes, and we're both so similar my mom cannot stand it some days. We went to breakfast early with my grandma and mom then to X-Men which was great! I have some issues with the details they changed (Moira was a Scottish scientist not a CIA agent and the development of certain machines), but in the end it worked pretty well and I think it'll be a huge improvement over the last 3 X-Men movies (which I hate for the way they messed with the Phoenix story line).
Lastly, I placed THE yarn order. Its the first and I'm on a tight schedule for dyeing, but I can do it.
When I look back I will say that the business was born on this date...
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